Can I wax after laser hair removal?

A – Effective laser hair removal will require a number of successive treatments to achieve permanent hair removal results. “Can I wax after hair removal” is quite a common question, but the answer is that no, you should not wax the area after any treatment or before the next one.

If you have completed a laser hair removal treatment – and will not be treating the area again – then you may wax and hair regrowth occurring there. However, if your treatment is ongoing or you may be having additional laser hair removal in the future then it is important to not use wax hair removal on the area.

The reason for this is because with waxing you are pulling out the hair by the root, and what this does is stimulate the root to produce a better regrowth of the follicle. The laser hair removal treatment is effective by making the hair follicle weaker, so by waxing you are working against the effectiveness of the laser and preventing it from disabling the hair follicle as much as possible.

This means that tweezing or plucking the hair is also something you should not do.

This is why it’s not a good idea to wax after hair removal. Shaving is okay, however, as it only trims the hair at the surface of the skin and does not pull it out from the root. You can also use a depilatory hair removal cream, but you should stop using them at least 2 weeks before your next laser hair removal appointment is scheduled.

Can I wax after laser hair removal? No, you should not, unless you will not be treating the area with a laser again but are still experiencing hair regrowth there.

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