Laser hair removal is more popular with women than men overall. However, full-body laser hair removal is one area where men express greater interest in what laser hair removal can do for their body image interests. While laser hair removal for the legs is always the most popular choice for ladies, for men they often are interested in full body laser hair removal services targeting their back, chest, shoulders, or buttocks.

Here at Maya Laser, we’re equally pleased to welcome male clients to our Victoria skin laser clinic. Providing whole body laser hair removal for men is no different a procedure than it is for women, but the thickness and density of the hair being treated may require more treatments to achieve the same hair-free condition as women will get in fewer treatments.

Outside of this, there is really nothing that should be dissuading for a man who is considering laser hair removal, and of course, we do full body laser hair removal for women too.

Hairlessness for Him

Full body laser hair removal is increasingly popular with men for many reasons. For some, it is primary for their aesthetic preferences and a wish for ‘smooth skin’ on their chest or back. For others like competitive swimmers, it may be performance-related and the appeal of not having to shave again is a big one. Some may want to take interest in laser hair removal because it’s in line with that their partner wants.

It’s true that generally, men do have higher tolerance levels for pain and discomfort, and that’s good as full body laser hair removal does involve some of both as the laser pulses into the skin to disable the hair follicle at the root. For most people, this is compared to a sharp pinprick or the snap of a rubber band.

The fact that men have a greater tolerance for such sensations is a good thing, as the thicker and more robust hair follicles of certain areas (chest and back most notably) will mean a stronger ‘zap’ when the laser finds them.

Another advantage we’re able to offer for full body laser hair removal here at Maya Laser is that our principal laser unit, the Candela GentleMax Pro, is capable of providing effective laser hair removal for a wider variety of skin shades. Even if you have the lightest skin or fairly dark skin, it’s quite likely that we can accommodate your requests with whole-body laser hair removal.

Helpful Information

The only hair color that all machines will have some difficulty with for hair removal is red hair. Also, be aware that the area to be treated must be shaved before the laser is put to work. For some men milder hair regrowth after a whole-body laser hair removal treatment may be itchier than it is for women. This is again because of the hair coarseness.

Women or men considering full body laser hair removal are encouraged to get in touch with us here at Maya Laser.


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