When summertime rolls around many women will have done their best to be looking good in a swimsuit. The term applied to that is ‘beach ready’, and for women that will also mean making sure that certain areas of their skin are perfectly smooth and hair-free. For decades that mean taking a razor and shaving the area, but nowadays bikini laser hair removal is a much better and more permanent choice. Here at Maya Laser, we have bikini laser as one of our specialty laser hair removal services.

Women who have been shaving or waxing their bikini region are encouraged to consider bikini laser hair removal. It will take a number of consecutive laser hair removal treatments to be permanently hair-free there, but once that’s achieved you’ll never need to be concerned again. Beach season rolls around every year, and even if you’re more likely to be poolside than a beach it’s nice to know that the unwanted hair is permanently gone.

For most women, 3 or 4 sessions is what’s needed for permanent bikini laser hair removal, and the sessions will usually be less than one hour each. Bikini laser hair removal isn’t just for sunbathers, as it’s a popular choice for competitive female bodybuilders and beach volleyball athletes too.

Laser Hair Removal Expectations

For some women, laser hair removal in the bikini area may be slightly more uncomfortable than elsewhere on the body. However, keep in mind that the pulse of the laser feels more like a pinprick or the snap of a rubber band on your skin, and for most people, it’s only temporary discomfort. Most of the women who have chosen bikini laser hair removal are very pleased with the results and will say the temporary discomfort of the laser was well worth it in the long run.

Do keep in mind that most laser hair removal treatments will typically eliminate up to 90% of hair regrowth, but that you may still experience some regrowth. Many women will consider this to be acceptable as the marginal hair regrowth is more easily shaved or waxed, and will not have the same stubbly appearance as it grows back in.

This small amount of regrowth can also be more quickly and easily eliminated with a small amount of a depilatory cream like Nair or other brands. A 90% elimination of hair in the bikini region will still sound good to most women who are interested in bikini laser hair removal.

Planning to be looking your best in a swimsuit this coming summer? Let our qualified and experienced laser technicians take care of your bikini laser needs here at Maya Laser.


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