Upper Legs Laser Service in Victoria

The legs are the most popular region for women to get laser hair removal. Most of the time their primary focus is on the lower legs, as hair grows most prominently on the shin and calf of the leg. However, some women may see the need to address excessive hair above the knee. For these women an upper legs laser hair removal treatment will be what they need. Here at Maya Laser, we do laser treatments that are suitable for any area of the body where a woman wants smooth, hair-free skin.

For some women the upper legs may be a more sensitive region than the lower legs. For these individuals the pinprick-like sensation experienced when the laser is pulsing over the skin will be more painful. However, there are skin numbing products like Emla that can be used for temporary desensitization of the skin. There are some areas of the body that are more sensitive, and the upper legs tend to be one of them.

One of the advantages we are able to offer with upper legs laser hair removal for women in Victoria is that our Candela GentleMax Pro laser treatment machine is one of the best quality machines on the market and has the ability to treat skin that is anywhere on the spectrum of very light to very dark. Many units will only work well for darker hair on lighter skin, but not the GentleMax Pro.

No More Shaving, No More Waxing

The appeal of an upper legs laser treatment is the same as it for any laser hair removal procedure. Following a series of successive treatments you’ll eventually be hair-free in the area and will not need to shave or wax there again. While laser hair removal is not a small cost, it’s helpful to also look at it that you won’t be having the expense of razors or wax in the future.

Keep in mind that most laser hair removal treatments will eliminate around 90% of the hair follicles in an area, but it’s common to still have smaller, thinner, and less noticeable hairs growing in the region. Many women will choose to use a depilatory cream to clear them, and because the density of hair is reduced so much this is usually a fairly quick and easy option.

In addition, your laser technician will make you aware of the fact that the hair must be shaved before your upper legs laser treatment. This is necessary in order for the laser to be able to attack the hair follicles at the root.

We encourage you to speak with us about an upper legs laser hair removal treatment, and you can be sure you’ll be in the best of hands and we’ll do what’s necessary to achieve best results.


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